Dario Paschetta

Job Title: Partner
Company: Frignani Virano e Associati
Born in Carmagnola (Turin) on September 18, 1978, admitted to the Italian Bar in 2013 and he became partner of the Frignani Virano e Associati firm on 2023. He graduated from the University of Turin (J.D., cum laude, 2004) and the Chamber of Commerce of Turin awarded him the. He obtained the Master of Laws (LL.M.) in the field of EC Competition Law from the London School of Economics (LSE) in the 2006 and worked at the Competition & Markets Authority (CMA) as legal advisor in the 2015. He is currently responsible for the coordination of the scientific activity of LES Italy He is also member of AIPPI and the “Permanent Observatory on Private Enforcement of EU Competition” (ARC- http://www.osservatorioantitrust.eu). He regularly publishes articles on competition and IP matters in both national and international legal journals. Since 2022 he is Editorial Board Coordinator of the legal journal “Journal of Law, Market and Innovation (JLMI)” edited by the University of Turin. Since 2021 he is fellow in competition law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Turin and in 2021-2022 he was lecturer of industrial property law in the second cycle degree in Plant Biotechnology at the same university.