Hilton Sue

Job Title: Partner
Company: Oyen Wiggs
Hilton Sue is a partner of Oyen Wiggs Green & Mutala LLP, a Canadian intellectual property law firm based in Vancouver. Hilton is both an intellectual property lawyer and registered patent agent (Canada and U.S.) and registered trademark agent (Canada and U.S.). He is also a Certified Licensing Professional. Hilton has long been recognized by his peers as a leading lawyer in intellectual property, including through Best Lawyers in Canada and LEXPERT’s lists of the leading practitioners of intellectual property law in Canada. Over the years, Hilton has served in many leadership positions in the intellectual property field, including as an elected Councillor of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, a Trustee and Vice President of the Licensing Executives Society (USA and Canada), Inc., and Vice-Chair of the Americas Committee of Licensing Executives Society International.