Mattia Dalla Costa

Job Title: Partner
Company: CBA
Mattia Dalla Costa is Italian attorney at law admitted to the Italian Bar in 1997 (and also admitted to the German Bar in 2001).
Mattia has a solid 20+ years international practice, with the ability to work in 5 different languages (German, English, French, Spanish and Italian).
He is assisting listed international companies in sectors like design, fashion, luxury, automotive, pharma, aviation and aerospace, both as transactional lawyer and litigator in judicial and arbitral court cases related to intellectual property and IT infringement where different jurisdictions and countries are involved.
Patents, trade secrets, trademark and the fighting of piracy and counterfeiting are ones of the core activity where Mattia is helping his clients in the protection, deployment and enforcement of their IP assets, both in Italy, Germany and worldwide (custom seizures, cross border litigation and international interim measures).
From October 2016 to October 2022 Mattia served as President of LES Licensing Executives Society – Italy (, the Italian chapter of LES International having 500 members among lawyers, trademark and patent attorneys and in-house lawyers. LES International is the biggest IP licensing association with more than 6.000 members worldwide.
After having served from May 2019 to May 2020 as Legal Counsel to the Board of LES International (, working i.a. on the drafting of the MoU between LESI and EPO, WIPO and the University of Padova as well as on other different international projects, Mattia has been appointed on May 2022 Vice President of LES Licensing Executives Society International.
Since 2015 Mattia is member of the European Patent Lawyers Associations (EPLAW) in Brussel: : EPLAW has actively assisted in the development of proposals for a new pan-European patent court system, and members have been involved in preparing the draft Rules of Procedure for the Unified Patents Court (UPC). EPLAW assists with training European judges and promoting a harmonized approach to the interpretation of European patent law in national patent courts and in the UPC.
Mattia is also member of the German association of intellectual property (GRUR – and of the German association of patent experts (VPP –
Since more than 15 years Mattia is member of the Board of Directors of the Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca, with offices in München and Stuttgart.
He is Honorary Member of the International association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) and since 20 years “Trusted Attorney at Law” of the German Chamber of Commerce in Italy (AHK) and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) (Milano, Padua and Munich) and of the German, Austrian and Swiss Embassies and Consulates in Italy.
Mattia is speaker on a regular basis at international IP seminars and conferences. Several articles and interviews have been published on Italian newspapers: Il Sole24Ore, La Repubblica, Italia Oggi, Giornale di Vicenza, Mattino di Padova, Süddeutsche Zeitung on IP and IT issues:
LES Nouvelles, “The implementation in Italy of the European Directive on trade secret”: .
Brevetti, la spinta all’innovazione non basta (
The Renaissance of Intellectual Property (
The Unitary Patent Court (
Mattia has been invited by institutions and governmental bodies: on June 11th 2019 by the Italian Parliament in Roma to intervene on the enforcement of IP-IT rights and on the protection of MADE IN ITALY and on May 21st, 2021 by the Camera dei Deputati on compulsory license in the field of vaccines; since 2019 hehas been invited by the Director of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) to intervene at the TAVOLO IMPRESE, a meeting between all Italian stakeholders of the Italian economy and industry.
Mattia has been the promoter and member of the scientific committee of the Second Renewed Edition of the English Translation of the Italian Code of Industrial Property published on July 16, 2019, the only bilingual edition of the Italian Code of Industrial Property existing.
In the Eleventh Edition 2022 of The Best Lawyers Mattia Dalla Costa has been included in the list of “The Best Lawyers”.
In the Tenth Edition 2022 of the Legalcommunity IP&TMT Awards, CBA ranked as the “Law Office of the year for Life Sciences” for the IP practice, leading by Mattia Dalla Costa.
He is also ranked as leading professional by Chamber Europe 2022, Chamber Global 2022 and LEGAL 500.
Mattia is also member of DAV/MAV (Deutsche Anwaltsverein und München Anwaltsverein), CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALO-TEDESCA, AHK, WKO, LEGALMONDO, GRUR, VPP, EPLAW, ROTARY International.