Stu Seltzer

Job Title: President
Company: Seltzer Licensing Group
Stu is an award-winning professor at New York University and for the past 19 years, has been teaching a 3-credit course for undergraduates which he developed on Brand Licensing. In addition, Stu is a frequent speaker and has provided engaging seminars on licensing at the conferences around the world.
Stu is also president of Seltzer Licensing Group, a 23-year old global licensing agency. A specialist in brand licensing, partnership marketing, and strategic alliances, Stu is an expert in analyzing, crafting, and securing partners for clients such as Unilever, NBC’s The Office and the American Red Cross. His extensive first-hand knowledge of the industry and skills as a negotiator were developed while managing the licensing for Yves Saint Laurent of America and at DC Comic’s division of Warner Bros. He has helped many global companies and brands including Campbell’s Soup, Popsicle and Scotts Miracle-Gro reap the best possible return on their marketing investment.
Early in his career Stu developed his analytical skills while working as a CPA at Arthur Andersen & Co. He is a graduate of Lehigh University and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School.