Pierre Ollivier

Job Title: Partner
Company: Winnotek
Pierre Ollivier graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, 1982). In 1984, he obtained his PhD with the title of “Docteur de l’Ecole Polytechnique” (1984) in Material Sciences, working with a CNRS laboratory in Orléans (France). His first jobs were R&D with Aluminium Pechiney on the alumina electrolysis plant (Alcan) and R&D with Isover Saint Gobain on the isolation glass / mineral fiber plant.
Pierre supports Winnotek clients in innovative strategies through governing their intangible assets. He regularly assists a number of customers from public research organisations such as IRSN, CNES, CNRS, ONERA, French TTOs, to big private corporations such as Areva, Alstom Grid, Safran or Engie, and also to startups and SMEs from various sectors, and part of French Cluster and Incubator ecosystems. He is former Member of the Board and Treasurer of Observatoire de l’Immatériel, and is currently Vice-Chair of the LESI (Licensing Executives Society International) Trade Secrets Work-Group of LESI-LIT (LESI Innovation Trends Committee).
Pierre, in parallel, created and developed innovative international activities. As examples, today, Pierre is cofounder and President of DIGIFILM CORPORATION, a digital data long-term archival technology startup, and cofounder and CEO of KANNON M.S.D (KMSD), an engineering company driving solutions for decision-making design based on modeling and simulation (multi-physics models, big data and machine learning algorithms). Pierre worked in 2008 and 2009 as IP Director at Areva T&D (Alstom, then GE). From 2000 to 2008, he worked with Technicolor and in California from 2002 to 2006, on technology strategy for movie and TV production, post-production and color-correction, and on DVD and digital cinema. A number of his programmes were deployed all over the USA and led to the creation of a research lab in Los Angeles. He also conducted a number of negotiations with high tech companies from the Silicon Valley and throughout Europe.