Seungyeob Baik

Job Title: Patent Attorney & Founder
Company: Near & Wise IP
Seungyeob is a Korean patent attorney who launched his own business, NwiseIP (Near & Wise IP Law Office). Prior to this, he worked for three years as a Technology Evaluator at Shinhan Bank, the largest bank in Korea. During his time there, Seungyeob played a significant role in evaluating the technology of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the technology sector, and incorporating it into their credit rating. Through this experience, Seungyeob became a convergence expert by carrying out IP as well as finance. With this background, he has specialized in patent valuation and portfolio design for startups to attract investment and achieve business success.
Seungyeob majored in nuclear engineering, which exposed him to various fields such as mechanics, electronics, chemistry, and materials. This led him to develop a deep interest in physics, mechanics, and electromagnetics. As a patent attorney, Seungyeob has handled numerous cases related to machinery, automobiles, power plants, and medical devices. In recent years, he has contributed to the acquisition of intellectual property rights by Korean IT startups.
As the founder of NwiseIP, Seungyeob has been practicing in IP law since 2013, dealing with patent, trademark, and design applications, as well as trial and litigation. He particularly focuses on assisting clients with their international IP issues. Seungyeob is a member of AIPPI and APAA, and he serves as one of the delegates of the Korean Patent Attorney Association.